Faith Lutheran Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025


 AFLC World Missions
Some of the AFLC missionaries have websites where they post current information about their ministry and items for prayer. Click on the link below the name and you will go to their site. Bookmark the site and visit it often.  
AFLC Missionaries
Jonathan and Tamba Abel
Paul and Becky Abel
Matthew and Ednay Abel
Micah and Famke Berger
Nate and Rhoda Jore
Justo and Patricia Pillman
Todd and Barb Schierkolk

Jonni Sliver

AFLC Missionaries on Loan

Steve and Glenda Kvale
Ben and Adela Jore
Josh and Ruth Wagner

 Teen Challenge Int. of Mid-America

 The New Creations Choir from Cape Girardeau, MO recently visited
  and shared with us their ministry of song and testimony. 
 For more information about Teen Challenge, visit their website at